Dear Guest,
Thank you for choosing Grand Puri Saron Boutique Hotel on your trip to Yogyakarta. We have made every effort to make your stay with us as memorable as possible.
Feel free to enjoy not only our exclusive guest rooms, and also meeting room facilities that are always ready to cater and serve all of your needs. Do not hesitate to contact our staff should your require anything to better your staying experience with us. Have a pleasant stay at Grand Puri Saron Boutique Hotel.
Please read this directory to find the information you need. Do not hesitate to contact our front desk staff by dialling “0” (zero) from your room if you need any further assistance.
Once again, have a pleasant stay with us!
Best regards,
General Manager
Selamat Datang Di Grand Puri Saron Boutique Hotel
Bapak/Ibu Yang Terhormat,
Silakan menikmati kamar tamu kami yang eksklusif dan juga sarana rapat yang akan memenuhi kebutuhan Anda. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi staff kami apabila Anda membutuhkan sesuatu agar kunjungan Anda menjadi lebih menyenangkan. Semoga Anda nyaman tinggal di Grand Puri Saron Boutique Hotel.
Silahkan membaca buku panduan ini untuk mendapatkan informasi yang diperlukan. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi staff resepsionis kami dengan menekan “0” (nol) melalui pesawat telepon dari kamar jika memerlukan bantuan lebih lanjut.
Hormat kami,
General Manager
General Services
simply select the temperature on Remote Control to the desired setting. For assistant please call Housekeeping.
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pilihlah suhu yang diinginkan dengan memilihnya pada Remote Kontrol. Silakan menghubungi Housekeeping jika anda memerlukan bantuan.
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airport transfer can be arranged through the front desk, either by hotel car with extra charge or by taxi.
Adisucipto Airport about 20 minutes drive from the hotel.
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transfer ke bandara dapat Anda pesan di resepsionis, baik dengan mobil hotel dengan biaya tambahan atau dengan taksi. Bandara Udara Adisucipto berjarak sekitar 20 menit dari hotel.
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for baggage collection or storage, please call the Bell Boy.
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untuk pengambilan atau penyimpanan bagasi, mohon menghubungi Bell Boy.
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when you require please Contact to Housekeeping.
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bila Anda membutuhkan harap Anda hubungi bagian housekeeping.
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our Front Office Staff will handle your billing requirement. Should you wish to have smooth billing settlement upon check-out, you may ask a print-out of your current billing statement one night before your departure date.
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karyawan di Front Office akan menangani seluruh pembayaran tagihan Anda. Satu malam menjelang keberangkatan, Anda bisa meminta print-out tagihan Anda sampai hari terakhir untuk Anda teliti.
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check-in time is at 02.00 PM and check-out time is at 12 noon. Please contact the Front Desk if there is change in your departure time. Late check-out is available upon request and subject to space availability.
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waktu check-in adalah jam 2 siang dan check-out adalah jam 12.00 siang. Silakan menghubungi Front Desk apabila Anda menghendaki perubahan waktu keberangkatan. Apabila situasi memungkinkan, fasilitas late-checkout tersedia berdasarkan permintaan.
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our hotel is equipped with high speed Wi-Fi internet access and provided complimentary to all in- guests house at the guest room and public areas. Kindly contact our staff at Front Office to get the log-in code and password.
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hotel kami dilengkapi dengan WiFi yang bisa diakses dengan cuma-cuma oleh tamu hotel baik di kamar maupun di tempat lain di wilayah hotel. Silakan menghubungi staff kami di Front Office untuk mendapat kode log-in dan password.
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two bottles of mineral water are provided daily in the room with our compliments. Whilst our tap water is potable, we recommend that it is boiled before drinking as an added precaution.
dua botol air mineral disediakan didalam kamar secara cuma-cuma. Air kran harus dimasak dahulu sebelum dikonsumsi.
multi purposes plug adaptor / multi sockets adaptor are available upon request. Please contact Housekeeping for further arrangement.
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steker adaptor dengan berbagai bentuk bisa diperoleh di Housekeeping. Silakan menghubungi petugas kami apabila Anda memerlukannya.
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an extra bed is available , you have to pay additional charges. Please contact Front Desk for further arrangement.
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bila diperlukan, tersedia tempat tidur tambahan, dengan biaya tertentu. Silakan menghubungi Front Desk untuk keterangan lebih lanjut.
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when you require please contact to Housekeeping.
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bila anda membutuhkan harap anda hubungi bagian Housekeeping.
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room booking for Grand Puri Saron Hotel can be made through our Reservation Department.
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room booking for Grand Puri Saron Hotel can be made through our Reservation Department.
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to make your stay more comfortable, extra pillows, blankets and other amenities are available upon request. Please contact our Housekeeping Staff.
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untuk menambah kenyamanan Anda, kami menyediakan tambahan bantal, selimut dan keperluan kamar mandi. Silakan menghubungi petugas Houseekeping kami.
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complimentary tea and coffee facilities are provided in all guest rooms.
fasilitas pembuatan teh dan kopi di dalam kamar disediakan secara cuma-cuma.
a Kiblat directional sign are provided in all guest rooms.
petunjuk arah kiblat terletak di semua kamar.
the laundry and ironing list located in your wardrobe. Items received before 10.00 am will be returned the same day.
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daftar harga laundry dan penyetrikaan tersedia dilemari anda. Pakaian yang diterima sebelum pukul 10.00 pagi akan selesai pada hari yang sama.
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our Housekeeping Department will offer assistance in tracing property lost around hotel area.
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Staff Housekeeping kami akan membantu anda dalam mencari barang yang hilang di area hotel.
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in order to conserve energy, your room has a master switch which controls all the lights in your room. The switch is activated by inserting the electronic card into the master switch located on the wall near the entrance door. Please remember to remove the electronic card when you leave the room.
untuk menghemat energi, kamar anda mempunyai tombol pengatur utama yang mengontrol lampu-lampu di kamar anda. Tombol tersebut diaktifkan dengan memasukkan kartu elektronik ke tempat yang tersedia. lngatlah untuk mengambil kartu elektronik tersebut bila anda meninggalkan kamar.
a daily local newspaper are available complimentary in the Lobby.
koran harian lokal tersedia di Lobby.
the all floor is dedicated as non-smoking floor, all room category is available in this floor.
semua lantai yang terdiri dari semua tipe kamar didedikasikan khusus sebagai lantai bebas asap rokok.
our hotel has a parking area in basement. Parking service is provided free of charge to visitors and hotel guests.
hotel kami memiliki area parkir di basement. Layanan parkir ini disediakan secara cuma-cuma untuk pengunjung dan tamu hotel.
pets are not allowed around hotel area.
binatang piaraan tidak diperkenankan berada di area hotel.
kindly contact our Housekeeping should you need a praying mat.
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mohon menghubungi Housekeeping untuk peminjaman Sajadah.
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please hang the "Do Not Disturb" sign outside your room door should you wish not to be disturbed. To hold calls, please advise our operator.
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gantungkan tanda "Do Not Disturb" diluar pintu kamar anda jika anda tidak ingin diganggu dan harap menghubungi operator jika anda tidak ingin menerima telepon.
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when you require please contact to Housekeeping.
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bila Anda membutuhkan Kitab Suci Al Qur`an, harap Anda hubungi bagian Housekeeping.
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our Housekeeping staff will make up your room every morning starting from 08.00 AM. Please remember to hang the room make-up signage in front of your door.
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staff Housekeeping akan membersihkan kamar anda setiap pagi. Harap menggantungkan tanda "Please Make Up Room" di depan pintu kamar Anda.
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a complimentary phone call to other guest room can he done directly from your room. Please dial room number or alternatively contact our operator.
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Anda bisa melakukan telfon antar kamar hotel dengan menekan angka nomor kamar atau telfon operator hotel.
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the hotel is constantly patrolled by our Security personel. For more information, please refer to the Safety & Security section of this Directory.
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satuan keamanan hotel senantiasa berpatroli. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, lihat bagian Safety & Security di buku petunjuk ini.
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we respect the non-smokers as well as the smokers. Smoking area is available at sky lounge on 6th floor.
kami menghargai pilihan anda untuk merokok maupun tidak merokok. Sky Lounge yang berada di lantai 6 merupakan area yang bisa digunakan untuk merokok.
a taxi are available 24 hours. Please call the reception staff for advance booking.
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taksi tersedia 24 jam. Silakan menghubungi resepsionis untuk pemesanan taxi
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our Reception staff will be happy to assist you with any tourism information and destinations. Should you wish to go by your own, we have provided a city map for your convenience, available at Front Desk.
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Resepsionis kami akan membantu anda mengenai informasi tujuan wisata di sekitar hotel. Apabila anda menghendaki melakukan perjalanan sendiri, kami telah menyediakan peta kota Yogyakarta dan bisa diperoleh di Front Desk.
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please call the operator to wake you up .
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mohon menghubungi operator untuk membangunkan Anda melalui telfon.
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our staff can provide you with information on Places of Worship.
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silakan menghubungi resepsionis kami untuk keterangan mengenai tempat-tempat peribadatan.
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